Galaxy Fold 6 on siin! I SAMSUNG vanade toodete tagasiost
Tudengipood aitab õpilastel õpinguteks vajaliku tehnika soetada! Tehnoloogia mängib tänapäeva õpilaste elus olulist rolli. Olgu see siis kodutööde tegemiseks, õppetükkide…
Read moreThe ISIC Association is the non-profit organization behind the International Student Identity Card. The ISIC card, first created by students in 1953, is now issued in 98 countries. ISIC card has been recognized by UNESCO since 1968 and has been endorsed by many national governments, ministries of education and tourism, student organizations and universities around the world.
The official representative of ISIC in Estonia is the Federation of Estonian Student Unions, which has been working in the field since 1993!
Federation of Estonian Student Unions (EÜL) is a student umbrella organization whose purpose is to stand up for the rights, needs and interests of students at the national level and to support student councils in their work. FESU participates in the development of policies concerning students, making proposals and explanatory work in the direction of the parliament, the government, ministries, higher education institutions and social partners.
The joint power of students!
Tudengipood aitab õpilastel õpinguteks vajaliku tehnika soetada! Tehnoloogia mängib tänapäeva õpilaste elus olulist rolli. Olgu see siis kodutööde tegemiseks, õppetükkide…
Read moreEesti Üliõpilaskondade Liidu kontor on suletud: 24. juunil, 1. juulil, 8.–21. juulil ning 20. augustil. Muul ajal on kontor avatud…
Read more2024. aasta aprillis kogunesid ISIC esindused ja kogu organisatsioon üle maailma Tallinnasse, et veeta koos produktiivsed paar päeva. Kohal olid…
Read moreIf you don't have the world's coolest student card yet, it's high time you ordered one.