IYTC Youth

What is an IYTC Youth card?
IYTC Youth?

IYTC Youth or International Youth Travel Card is an international youth card that entitles you to various benefits both in Estonia and abroad. The IYTC Youth card is the key to the traveling youth community, which includes young people from more than a hundred countries.

The IYTC Youth card can also be used as a travel card in public transport.

Who can apply for an IYTC card?

A person between the ages of 12 and 30

You do not need to be a pupil, student or teacher to apply for an IYTC card. The card is automatically deactivated, i.e. ceases to be valid, also when the person turns 31 years old.

The IYTC Youth card has been issued for over 25 years and is recognized by more than 50 countries around the world. With the IYTC youth card, you can get discounts at more than 300 points of sale in Estonia and around 130 000 points of sale worldwide. The IYTC Youth card is a discount card with the reference of the UNESCO Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Two different IYTC cards are issued in Estonia:

IYTC Youth as a standard card

The standard IYTC Youth card, which proves the status of a young person internationally. Discounts are extended to all ISIC, ITIC and IYTC cards both in Estonia and abroad. In addition, when registering, the card functions as a common card in public transport.

IYTC Youth card as a virtual card

The IYTC virtual card is always with you in your phone. A cardthat saves the environment and does not disappear. Virtuaalkaardi abil saad sa tõendada enda nooruki staatust ning samuti on sul võimalik saada tuhandeid soodustusi nii Eestis kui ka välismaal.

If you already have a physical ISIC/ITIC/IYTC standard card or bank card, you can make it virtual - without any extra charge!

To do this, you need the ISIC mobile application (Android or iOS) and the serial number from your IYTC card (number sequence above your picture). The unique serial number must be entered in the mobile application according to the given instructions.

Please note that the IYTC virtual card cannot be used on public transport or with door access systems.

Are you ready to order your card?

You can order all standard IYTC cards from EDUID.