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KANDIDEERI JUBA TÄNA → turundusjuht@eyl.ee Kandidatuur on avatud alates 5. märts 2025. Anname siin samas teada, kui oleme juba sobiva…
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KANDIDEERI JUBA TÄNA → turundusjuht@eyl.ee Kandidatuur on avatud alates 5. märts 2025. Anname siin samas teada, kui oleme juba sobiva…
Read moreEesti Üliõpilaskondade Liidu kontor on suletud: 24. juunil, 1. juulil, 8.–21. juulil ning 20. augustil. Muul ajal on kontor avatud…
Read moreThe office of the Federation of Estonian Student Unions will work in the home office from December 25, 2023 to January 7, 2024. The office will be closed during this time, but...
Read moreFrom July 10 to July 23, the EÜL and ISIC office is closed, and our team works in the home office. Customer support is available by email and phone. We are back…
Read moreOur office is on collective vacation from December 21 to January 2. The office is closed during this period! Customer support is available via email and phone...
Read moreISIC cards ordered from Minu Kool, Swedbank or SEB bank from 15.08 will temporarily not work in the public transport system. We are working to resolve the issue. If…
Read moreDear customers, in order to protect everyone's health, we are also closed this week as a preventive measure against the spread...
Read moreDear ISIC customer We would like to point out that due to the current risk situation of COVID-19 infection, different ISIC card issuing offices may decide to reduce the risk of infection...
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