ITIC Teacher

What is the
ITIC Teacher card?

The International Teacher Identity Card certifies a person's teacher status both in Estonia and abroad and enables the use of the benefits provided by the ITIC card in Estonia and abroad. The ITIC Teacher card is the key to the teacher community, which includes teachers from more than a hundred countries. Our teachers deserve the best!

All ITIC cards also function as a common card in public transport and as a pass card in the canteen, library or elsewhere within the school.

Kes saavad taotleda ITIC Õpetajakaarti?

A person who does pedagogical work

During the academic year, at least 18 hours a week in an educational institution with a training license of the Ministry of Education and Science or a welfare institution with an activity license or as a designated full-time job. The necessary pedagogical work load can also include the time spent on preparing lessons, correcting student work and other pedagogical work.
More detailed conditions regarding the issuance of the ITIC Teacher's card are written in the EDUID card issuing system, where you can order cards. The head of the educational institution can assess and certify the workload of the pedagogical work. Evidence of exceptional circumstances must be sent to the e-mail address The confirmation must have the person's name and personal identification number and must not be older than 1 month. After that, the teacher's status necessary to apply for a card is added to the teacher, after which it is possible to submit a request to order a card.

Three different ITIC Teacher cards are issued in Estonia:

ITIC Teacher card as a standard card

Classic ITIC Teacher card, which proves teacher status internationally. Discounts are extended to all ITIC cards both in Estonia and abroad. In addition, when registering, the card functions as a common card in public transport. Within the school, the card can also function as a pass card.

ITIC Õpetajakaart pangakaardina

ITIC Teacher bank card issued by SEB combines the functions of the ITIC Teacher card, Mastercard debit card and public transport card. With an ITIC bank card, you can make everyday bank transactions, convenient instant payments and prove your student status. All ITIC benefits both in Estonia and abroad are extended to this card. SEB ITIC kaardid on tehtud maisist ja sisaldavad 84% vähem plastikut võrreldes tavalise pangakaardiga.

ITIC Teacher as a virtual card

The ITIC virtual card is always with you in your phone. A card that saves the environment and doesn't get lost. With the help of the virtual card, you can prove your student status, and you can also get thousands of discounts both in Estonia and abroad.

If you already have a physical ISIC/ITIC/IYTC standard card or bank card, you can make it virtual - without any extra charge!

To do this, you need the ISIC mobile application (Android or iOS) and the serial number from your ITIC card (number sequence above your picture). The unique serial number must be entered in the mobile application according to the given instructions.

Please note that the ITIC virtual card cannot be used on public transport or with door access systems.

Are you ready to order your card?

You can order all standard ITIC cards from EDUID. 
You can order bank cards from the respective bank's website.