#AktiivneISIC is the second social media campaign promoting active lifestyles, which is organized by the Federations of Estonian Student Unions in cooperation with SEB Bank.

This year, the campaign will take place in three stages.
The first round of the campaign, which was Wall-Sit challenge , took place from 10 to 20 in April. The content of the challenge was for student representatives to post a campaign poster on their Facebook wall and collect as many "likes" as possible on it within 10 hours. Each "like" meant one second of sitting against the wall. With a winning result of 354 "likes" or 5 minutes and 54 seconds, the Estonian University of Life Sciences won the first round, and a crown table was added to the premises of the student council as a prize.
The second round of the campaign was a sports day held at the SEB Innovation Center on May 2, where representatives of five schools competed against each other. There were duels where two-person teams from each school sat back-to-back longer than the opposing team. In a balanced competition where the Estonian University of Life Sciences and Tallinn University of Technology reached the final round, the Estonian University of Life Sciences was once again victorious. In the future, EEC will also be able to train by playing benches, because the winner of the second round will get a table tennis table with all the necessary additional equipment.
In the third round, which is also the final round, the representative offices have to activate their fan base! Until May 10 at 23:59, representatives and their friends can go to SEB Estonia Facebook page and SEB Estonia Instagram page and leave the name of your university representative office in the comments of the #ActiveISIC campaign video. The representative office that has collected the most tags will be the winner of the #ActiveISIC Grand Prix, which is a particularly proud prize!
Grand Prix Winner Representation Award:
1. PlayStation 4
2. 43-inch LG Full-HD TV
3. PlayStation 4 camera
4. PS4 game JustDance
NB! Only the tags under SEB's original post are taken into account. Tags left under a shared post are not counted. Repetition of tags by one person is allowed.
You can familiarize yourself with the rules of the #ActiveISIC consumer game by CLICKING HERE:
- Rules of the consumer game "#ActiveISIC" (hereinafter Consumer Game) The organizer of the consumer game is AS SEB Pank, registration code 10004252, address Tornimäe 2, Tallinn and the Estonian University Association Association of Estonia, registration code 80059438, address Pärnu mnt. 102-21, Tallinn (hereinafter Organizers). 2. All natural persons (hereinafter Participant) may participate in the Consumer Game, with the exception of the Organizer's employees and other persons directly employed by the Organizer involved in serving the Consumer Game, as well as their family members.
- By participating in the Consumer Game, the Participant agrees to follow the rules of the Consumer Game. The Organizer may refuse to issue a prize to a Participant who does not follow the rules of the Consumer Game. Participation in the consumer game is free.
- The Consumer Game starts on May 4, 2018 and ends on May 10, 2018. You cannot participate in the game after the end date of the Consumer Game.
- The organizer organizes the Consumer Game in SEB Eesti's Facebook and/or Instagram environment. The content of the consumer game is to tag the name of the university office under the campaign video uploaded on SEB Estonia's Facebook and/or Instagram page, which the consumer wants to support in order to win. Full-HD TV, PlayStation 4 camera and PS4 game JustDance.
- All users of the Facebook and/or Instagram environment can vote in the consumer game, but only the student councils of the University of Tartu, Estonian Academy of Music and Theater, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University, Tallinn University of Technology and Estonian Business School can vote. These schools have given their consent to participate in the campaign. The votes of representatives of other schools are not taken into account.
- To participate in the consumer game, the Participant must:
7.1. Tag the name of your preferred university representative office in the comments of the campaign video on SEB Eesti's Facebook and/or Instagram page. - The prize winner will be determined based on the number of tags left under the original video before May 10 at 11:59 p.m. Only the tags left in the comment section of the original video uploaded to SEB Eesti's Facebook and Instagram page are taken into account. Votes left under shared videos do not count. The representation with the most votes is called the winner. The name of the prize winner will be published on May 14 on the Facebook page of the Consumer Game and the Organizer
Instagram page. - The organizer is not responsible for any incorrect information or technical error that may occur during the Consumer Game due to circumstances beyond its control.
10. In order to receive the prize (PlayStation 4 game console, 43-inch LG Full-HD TV, PlayStation 4 camera, PS4 game JustDance), the Estonian Student Union is obliged to contact the winner by e-mail no later than May 22, 2018.
11.Võitjal on õigus auhinnast loobuda, saamata loobumise eest kompensatsiooni. Auhinda ei asendata Tarbijamängus osaleja nõudmisel teist liiki auhinnaga ega hüvitata auhinna maksumust rahas.
12. The organizer reserves the right to change the rules, operating system and/or prizes of the Consumer Game without notice.
13. This consumer game is in no way sponsored, implemented, managed or associated with Facebook. The participant transmits his information to AS SEB Pank and not to Facebook. The information published by the participant is used only by the winners