Estonia is consistently among the top three in the world in terms of popularity of ISIC cards

The Estonian Students' Union (EÜL) took third place in the international ranking of ISIC card issuers, which was announced at the ISIC 60th anniversary conference in Copenhagen at the end of May, based on the 2012 work results. The first place was awarded to Slovakia and the second place to the Czech Republic.

The ranking evaluated the quantity and market share of ISIC cards issued in 127 countries, the number of benefits and achievements in the field of marketing and development of ISIC cards. For the results of 2010, EÜL received the first place and the second place for 2011.

"Third place among 127 countries is undoubtedly a great achievement, but it is certainly not only recognition for EÜL, but also for hundreds of educational institutions and cooperation partners who think along with us and with whom cooperation works very well," stated Garry Koort, head of EÜL's business unit.

ISIC (International Student Identity Card) on ainus UNESCO poolt ametlikult tunnustatud rahvusvaheliselt õpilas- ja üliõpilasstaatust tõendav dokument, millele kehtivad soodustused üle 125 tuhandes müügikohas välismaal ning ligi tuhandes müügikohas Eestis. EduiID kaardihaldussüsteem on Eesti Üliõpilaskondade Liidu poolt välja töötatud veebirakendus (, millega liitumisel on õppeasutustele õpilas- ja üliõpilaspiletite, aga ka õpetajakaartide haldamine senisest lihtsam ning kust iga vastavat staatust omav isik saab ISIC kaardi mugavalt ise oma postkasti tellida.

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